“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” – Isaiah 57:1
We knew Hillary Esenam Coffie back in school (OLA), and it is with heavy hearts that we write this homage to her memory. The enduring smile and contagious laughter of Hillary were two of her most noticeable features. She was such a happy person that it was rare to see her upset, and even if it happened, it was only a matter of time until we saw her laughing again about something. This is something that anyone who met Hillary in OLA would confirm. She did, in fact, live up to the “laughter” part of her moniker.
When one first met her, they would almost instantly come to like her because she was such a fun-loving person. She took her walk with God seriously, as those of us who knew her personally up until the moment of her passing could confirm. Despite her own struggles, Hillary was a remarkable person because of the advice and support she would offer to friends and acquaintances. It was always a joy having conversations with Hillary. Indeed, having her as a friend was a blessing and a memory to cherish. We could go on and on about all the admirable things that Hillary represented. She has such a beautiful personality.
We were unaware of her illness, so hearing of her untimely demise came as a terrible shock. In fact, several of us thought it was a rumour and had to call her phone number to get confirmation of her passing from a relative. We are deeply saddened by your passing, Hillary. Our hearts are terribly shattered!Nonetheless, we take consolation in the fact that you had a good relationship with your Maker while on earth and therefore resting sweetly with Him.
Till the day of the resurrection when we hope to see you again, we say, “Norvi, hede nyuie. Dzudzor le nutifafa me”
God be with you till we meet again.